Media Release

Liberals Turn Back on Regional Manufacturers

09 February 2023

Central Victorian manufacturers have been snubbed by the Liberal-National Party through their intentions to block legislation to implement the National Reconstruction Fund (NRF).

The National Reconstruction Fund was a key election commitment of the Federal Labor Government, focusing on Australian manufacturing. 


06 February 2023

Member for Bendigo, Lisa Chesters has returned to Canberra for the first parliamentary sitting week for the year.


01 February 2023

Sandhurst Football Netball Club have been named National Runners Up in the Mental Health Category at the Alcohol and Drug Foundation’s Good Sports Awards.


01 February 2023

Bendigo Airport will receive further upgrades thanks to funding under the Australian Government’s $100 million Regional Airports Program.

New Year, More Support for Central Victorian Small Businesses

25 January 2023

The Australian Government is delivering more funding to allow small businesses to access free mental health and financial counselling support.

Bendigo Families to Get Dental Care They Need Following Extension to Child Dental Services Program

23 January 2023

The Australian Government is ensuring vulnerable children will continue to get the dental care they need under the national Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS).

First Round of Billion Dollar Disaster Ready Fund Now Open to Bendigo Electorate

19 January 2023

Bendigo’s disaster defences could get a boost, with applications open for the Albanese Government’s new Disaster Ready Fund (DRF).

Cheaper Medicines to Benefit Central Victorians from January 1

21 December 2022

Good news for central Victorians relying on prescription medications into the New Year, with cost-of-living relief coming their way.

For the first time in its 75-year history, the maximum cost of general scripts under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) will fall.

Indexation to Benefit Young Central Victorians from January 1

19 December 2022

More than 1500 young people, carers and students across the Bendigo electorate are set to receive a boost to their social security payments when indexation increases take effect on 1 January 2023.

Recipients of Youth Allowance will see the largest indexation increase to their payment since it began in 1998.

Doctors and nurse practitioners living and working in parts of central Victoria will have their HELP debt wiped under legislation introduced by the Australian Government.

06 December 2022

Doctors and nurse practitioners living and working in parts of central Victoria will have their HELP debt wiped under legislation introduced by the Australian Government.