Media Release

Better Deal for Central Victorian Businesses Under Commonwealth Contracts

04 July 2022

The Albanese Government has taken the first step to deliver 

Rural and regional Australians on fixed wireless to benefit from NBN investment

28 June 2022

The Federal Labor Government has delivered its first major milestone under the Better Connectivity for Rural and Regional Australia Plan, with $480 million provided to NBN Co to upgrade the NBN fixed wireless network. 

Chesters Secures Strongest Vote in Bendigo's History

22 June 2022

This morning the Australian Electoral Commission formally declared the result in Bendigo, following the May 21 federal election.

The seat of Bendigo now sits at 62.1% to Labor - the strongest result the electorate has ever seen.

Chesters fights for Bendigo Electorate

18 May 2022

Federal Member for Bendigo Lisa Chesters has detailed how the Bendigo electorate will be better off under a Labor Government. 

Chesters commits to schools and childcare funding for a better education under Labor

04 May 2022

A Labor Government will invest $120,000 in schools and early education across the Bendigo electorate.

Member for Bendigo, Lisa Chesters has visited Castlemaine Co-Operative Childcare Centre to make the announcements, which includes $20,000 to upgrade the early learning centre under Labor’s Family Infrastructure Grants.

Bendigo Islamic Community Centre to receive funding boost under Labor

28 April 2022

Federal Member for Bendigo, Lisa Chesters has announced a federal Labor Government will commit $100,000 towards the completion of the Bendigo Islamic Community Centre.

North Bendigo Recreation Reserve upgrades will get kickstart under Labor

20 April 2022

An Albanese Labor Government will commit $1 million to upgrade facilities at North Bendigo Recreation Reserve.

Major connectivity boost for Macedon Roads, Communities and Farms

20 April 2022

Better mobile coverage on roads, as well as improved connectivity for regional communities and on farms, will lead an Albanese Labor Government’s approach to upgrading regional telecommunications. 

Chesters slams Government's cuts to Services Australia

04 April 2022

Federal Member for Bendigo, Lisa Chesters has slammed the Morrison Government for announcing 2,719 job cuts to Services Australia in the recent Federal Budget.