Having come from a family of small business owners, I know firsthand the passion they have for their business, their industry and the community they work in.
Small businesses are the engine room of Australia’s economy.
The Federal Labor Government has introduced practical measures to support small businesses and help them invest and grow.
I have complied an up-to-date guide of Federal Labor Government services that are available to help your small business.
Programs and Agencies
business.gov.au is a key government website for the Australian business community. It includes links to information, grants, services and support from across government to help your business succeed.
Workforce Australia
Workforce Australia is a simple and connected government recruitment service, and it's free for all Australian businesses. Help find the right fit for your team through their free digital employment service, connecting you to thousands of candidates across Australia.
They can also help you on your business journey with resources and programs for new and small businesses, financial support to help with hiring costs, and support with business restructuring.
Online and digital tools
Included in the business.gov.au site is a free resource with advice on assessing your business's digital maturity, developing a digital strategy, website, email, and social media presence, as well as how to keep your business cyber safe and improve efficiency through Al.
This site provides spreadsheets and planners to implement these features into your business.
Mental health support for Small Business
Beyond Blue has developed the NewAccess for Small Business Owners (NASBO) program, which is a free, confidential, self-guided mental health coaching program.
You are paired with a mental health coach that will work with you to manage stress over 6 sessions.
Domestic violence leave
The Federal Government has created the Small Business, Big Impact Podcast to help small businesses administer the 10 Days Paid Domestic Violence Leave that we introduced in 2023 sensitively and lawfully.
Hosted by Gretel Killeen, the podcast also provides information to employers on trauma informed responses, and the process of transitioning back to work. The podcast is available on your preferred streaming device.
Indigenous Business Support
Indigenous Business Australia is a Federally developed agency that offers support and advice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses.
This advice is targeted towards, but not limited to, owning a home, starting a business, investment and asset management, and financial difficulties. The IBA also offers workshops to develop business and home ownership skills.
Tax Office Small Business Courses
There are a range of free tax courses offered through the Tax Office website as well as advice on stages of your business from set up to exiting.
There's also a free Cash Flow Kit and tools for business management.
Cyber Resilience Program
Cyber Resilience Service provides free, tailored, person-to-person support for small businesses, including sole traders, to improve their cyber security and recover from a cyber incident.
Funded by the federal government, it helps small businesses to build cyber resilience, and recover after a cyber incident. The service works one on one with you to develop tailored plan to improve your small business's cyber security and can provide case management support, including mental health support, following an incident.
Cyber Wardens
The Cyber Wardens program is a simple education tool designed to build a cyber-smart small business workforce. Educating your team about cyber threats will help to protect your small business.
Self Employment Assistance
The IntoJobs program, originally designed as a free government funded program to help people transform their idea into a business, has recently expanded to provide practical support for microbusinesses that may be struggling.
IntoJobs offer small business training, mentoring, coaching, workshops, and business plan templates, and can also help eligible people access an allowance for up to 39 weeks and rental assistance for up to 26 weeks.
For when
you need extra help
Small Business Ombudsman
The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman provides assistance in resolving disputes. It also acts as a body to collect the experiences of small business owners and employees, making submissions that provide policy insight for the Federal Government.
Payment Times Reporting Scheme
The Federal Government has developed the Payment Times Reporting Scheme to improve payment times from big companies to small businesses. The site offers a free register to find information on a reporting entity's payment practices to small business, including average payment terms and payment times.
Commonwealth Procurement Laws
The Department of Finance has developed a series of factsheets around Commonwealth Procurement Laws that govern how entities buy goods and services.
Small Business Debt Helpline
The Small Business Debt Helpline is a not-for-profit, which receives federal funding, that helps small business owners and sole traders in financial difficulty. The service is free, independent and confidential. The team of qualified financial counsellors can help with:
- understanding debts, personal guarantees and their implications
- grants and training for small business owners
- considering business viability
- disaster relief for events such as bushfires and COVID-19
- options for payment arrangements with the ATO, creditors, suppliers and service providers
- information about closing your business, bankruptcy and insolvency
- where you can access dispute resolution
- emotional support. If they can't help you with something - such as legal or health issues - they'll connect you with someone who can.
Energy Bill Relief
From July 1, every eligible small business will receive $325 off their energy bill in quarterly instalments, which will automatically be applied through your energy retailer.
Instant Asset Write Off
As part of the 2024-25 Budget, the government announced it will continue to improve cash flow and reduce compliance costs for small businesses by extending the $20,000 instant asset write-off by a further 12 months until 30 June 2025.
This measure is not yet law. The Treasury Laws Amendment containing the extension for the 2024-25 income year is currently before Parliament.
You can assess your eligibility through the ATO site: www.ato.gov.au/businesses-and-organisations/income-deductions-and-concessions/depreciation-and-capital-expenses-and-allowances/simpler-depreciation-for-small-business/instant-asset-write-off
Income Tax Offset
The small business income tax offset (also known as the unincorporated small business tax discount) can reduce the tax you pay by up to $1,000 each year. The offset is worked out on the proportion of tax payable on your business income.
To be eligible, you must be carrying on a small business as a sole trader or have a share of net small business income from a partnership or trust.
The small business must have an aggregated turnover of less than $5 million for the 2016-17 income year onwards.
You can assess your eligibility through the ATO site: www.ato.gov.au/individuals-and-families/your-tax-return/instructions-to-complete-your-tax-return/mytax-instructions/2024/tax-offsets/small-business-income-tax-offset